Immigration Newsletter – December 2014

Executive Actions for Immigration Reform

In a speech to the nation on November 20, 2014, President Obama announced several initiatives to provide relief to the undocumented and to facilitate the hiring and retention of skilled workers. The President laid out a broad outline for administrative reform, with several agency directives. The timing of the implementation of each discrete action will be different, with some taking place very soon and others, particularly those requiring regulatory review, taking several months or longer.

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Thông Báo Di Trú – Ngày 20 tháng 11 năm 2014

Foreign Criminal Convictions

When the U.S. Department of State realized that the Vietnamese government could provide a more detailed police clearance (Ly Lich Tu Phap So 2), it started requesting intending immigrants from Vietnam to provide the new police clearance. Effective November 2012, all Vietnamese immigrant visa applicants who will be processed through the U.S. Consulate in Saigon, or other consulates, are now required to submit the Police Clearance Letter #2. The major difference between the previous police clearance letter and the current letter is that the Vietnamese government will provide all incidents of arrest, regardless if the previous arrest lead to a conviction or an expungement of the conviction.

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Inmigración alerta – 20 de noviembre 2014

Foreign Criminal Convictions

When the U.S. Department of State realized that the Vietnamese government could provide a more detailed police clearance (Ly Lich Tu Phap So 2), it started requesting intending immigrants from Vietnam to provide the new police clearance. Effective November 2012, all Vietnamese immigrant visa applicants who will be processed through the U.S. Consulate in Saigon, or other consulates, are now required to submit the Police Clearance Letter #2. The major difference between the previous police clearance letter and the current letter is that the Vietnamese government will provide all incidents of arrest, regardless if the previous arrest lead to a conviction or an expungement of the conviction.

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Immigration Alert – November 20, 2014

Foreign Criminal Convictions

When the U.S. Department of State realized that the Vietnamese government could provide a more detailed police clearance (Ly Lich Tu Phap So 2), it started requesting intending immigrants from Vietnam to provide the new police clearance. Effective November 2012, all Vietnamese immigrant visa applicants who will be processed through the U.S. Consulate in Saigon, or other consulates, are now required to submit the Police Clearance Letter #2. The major difference between the previous police clearance letter and the current letter is that the Vietnamese government will provide all incidents of arrest, regardless if the previous arrest lead to a conviction or an expungement of the conviction.

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Bản Tin Di Trú Tháng 11 Năm 2014

Quyết định hành pháp

Cuộc bầu cử giữa năm 2014 đã qua. Đảng Cộng Hòa hiện đang chiếm đa số trong Thượng Viện và Hạ Viện. Đa số các tiểu bang cũng đang được điều hành bởi các Thống Đốc bên đảng Cộng Hòa. Hơn mời năm qua, đã có nhiều nỗ lực cải cách hệ thống nhập cư cũ, tuy nhiên chưa có nhiều thành công đáng kể. Chỉ còn 2 năm nữa là kết thúc nhiệm kỳ của vị Tổng Thống hiện tại, và có vẻ như không có nhiều hy vọng cho cải cách di trú từ phía Quốc Hội theo Đảng Cộng Hòa.

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