Immigration Newsletter – May 2014

Visa Regression and DS-260 Immigrant Visa Application

As expected for the June 2014 visa bulletin, the priority date for F2A preference (green card holder petitioning for spouse or unmarried child under 21 years of age) will regress to May 1, 2012. F2A will continue to regress for the remaining current fiscal year, and F2A for Mexican nationals could become unavailable until next fiscal year. On the positive end, F2B preference (green card holder petitioning for unmarried child over 21 years of age) continue to progress and has surpassed the F1 preference for unmarried child and over 21 years of age for U.S. citizen parents. At a liaison meeting with the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), Mr. Charles Oppenheimer with the Department of State, advised that the F2B progression will continue much like the F2A did the past year, and this progression will only be temporary and would return to its slower pace. For this reason, we still encourage our clients to always try to become a naturalized citizen because there are other federal benefits which come with being a United States citizen.

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